Wednesday, September 29, 2010

the greatest story ever told.

So, recently, I've fallen in love with a little book called "The Jesus Storybook Bible" (found here) We had a copy at the house up in Chicago that I started reading, so naturally when I got home, I wanted a copy so that I could finish. Yes, I know it's a children's story bible. Yes, I know that some of the pictures may be somewhat theologically inaccurate (Did Noah's ark really land on the tippy top of the mountain?). But, I love the way that it tells the stories of the Bible. And I love the way it relates almost every story back to the greater story, the love story between us and our creator, in a clear and concise manner.

"It's an adventure story about a young Hero who comes from a far country to win back his lost treasure. It's a love story about a brave Prince who leaves his palace, his throne -everything- to rescue the one he loves. It's like the most wonderful of all fairy tales that has come true  in real life!"

"God loved his children too much to let the story end there. Even thought he knew he would suffer, God had a plan- a magnificent dream. One fay, he would get his children back. One day, he would make the world their perfect home again. And one day, he would wipe away every tear from their eyes. You see, no matter, what, in spite of everything, God would love his children -with a Never Stopping, Never Giving Up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love."

While it's not a substitute for reading my regular bible (the one with all the verses), I think that it can bring a new light to some old stories. It's the greatest love story ever told. And I think that when I have kids (a long time from now!) it may be a book that I bring out to read to them. I like the way it shows God's enduring love and faithfulness. Oh- and no. I'm not being paid to say any of this. I would say I bought the book myself- but actually I have a Mom that bought it for me. I just think that it is that amazing that I want to share about it! :)

In other somewhat unrelated news...I have a new favorite song. It's called Forever Changed and it's by Eddie Kirkland. I'm posting the lyrics and a link to a YouTube video to listen to.

Forever Changed
I have built with my hands all the walls that hold me in
I have wandered my way in the desert
I have struggled against all the blessing you have sent
And I'm back to the place of surrender.

Lord you meet me here in my darkest hour
And you stir my heart with your love.

Forever I am changed by mercy
Forever my heart is alive
Forever I am yours, My Savior
Forever my hope is Christ

Tears are sweet as they fall
Mercy rushes through my soul
Bowing low as you wash me with healing
Lord you sealed me with grace
Life eternally sustained
By the hope in my soul you're revealing

The power of sin has broken I have been set free
For I have died and Jesus is alive in me

Friday, September 24, 2010

Blast from the Past

So, I'm pretty sure I've seen this on several of the blogs I read. And since I really like looking back at old pictures and such, it sounded like such a fun thing to do! So, please join me on my journey from baby years through high school graduation. And warning, this is picture overload at it's finest. :)

This is a picture that I just discovered tonight. As in, in my twenty years of living, I've never seen it before. But, my Mom assures me I have no long lost siblings and this is indeed me. And, I mean, it was with other pictures that I recognized and all. Notice the baby mohawk thing we have going on. Yes, I was a mohawk baby. I don't think it was an intentional thing. I think my hair just did it's thing.

The "hawk" is a little more pronounced in this one. I think it may have had some help, since it was apparently "cute". No wonder everyone thought I was a boy!

This is on my first day of 2 years old MDO/preschool. I think I was a little cute. And the "hawk" turned into a ponytail. So, I think that is much better.

And now we skip to Kindergarten. Since I can't happen to find my K4 picture. But, I assure you. It was pretty cute. :)
When I was in Kindergarten, I wanted to be "a mommy, I think" when I grew up.

When I was in first grade, I played Coach-Pitch. It's some form of baseball. And I remember not liking it. But, we got pictures made regardless. :)

 This is my first grade "official" school photo. I think I look kind of lost, but I really like my shirt. :)

When I was seven, I discovered being a big sister was harder than I thought. 

I also took the "worst school picture EVER". (Note to self: Never wear pigtails on school picture day unless you want to look like Pippi Longstockings and have people talk about it for years to come.) The below picture was my SPRING picture (therefore, not worst picture ever) because I can't seem to find the really bad one. Really. I can't. I tried. But, I think Mom hid it somewhere far, far away. It didn't even make it into the scrapbooks. 

Third Grade. 

Fourth grade. I think I look kind of lost. 

Fifth grade. I LOVED that dress. It was cotton and purple and made by Gap. Unfortunately, I outgrew it. Oh- and if I remember correctly, I got glasses like a day after school picture day. So, last picture ever without glasses. :)

Sixth grade. And the awkward years begin here with the haircut gone bad. Note to self: Cutting hair in a ponytail is normally not a good idea. Unless you want the finished product to end up MUCH shorter than you intended.

We're going to take a break from awkward to rewind to the days when I was super cute. Remember? This is me with my cat named Kittybaby. Original, I know. 

 Eighth grade band picture. 
The whole being homeschooled seventh grade thing meant no seventh grade picture.

Sophomore Year. Apparently I didn't get pictures my freshman year. No idea on the reasoning behind that one. I checked Mom's scrapbook and everything. No pictures to be found, though.

Apparently I really enjoyed the white button down over a tank top thing. 
Junior Year.

And we reach SENIOR YEAR. Here's your drape picture. 
I have some other ones that I like a lot better. I'll post those another day though.

And I found this one last picture. I think it finishes off the set perfectly. Yay graduation!

And that's all the picture overrload for today, I suppose! That was fun. :)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


So, I've been thinking about what I want to do with my life a lot here lately. Probably due to the fact that I have a lot of extra time on my hands (the whole taking a semester off thing really helps in that regard). I mean, I thought I wanted to be a teacher. But now, I'm just not sure. I mean, do I really want to be around kids all day every day? I'm beginning to think that the Sunday School hour at church is long enough.

But then, I'm faced with the dilemma that I honestly have no clue what I want to do with my life...
I mean, I know that I want to get married and have kids someday...and moving out of my parents house would probably be a good thing. But as far as the whole job thing goes- all I know is that I want to be a stay at home mom. And they don't really make degrees for that one. I mean, entering a more male-dominated field than education may help on that one (um, building science anyone?). I'm thinking business (mostly because of the flexibility it would provide). I'm just not sure that I can decide what I'm going to do with the rest of my life at the age of twenty.

Decisions, decisions. I mean, I know that I'm blessed to have a semester off to figure out all this madness. And, I know that I should be avoiding the stress. But, I also know that I HAVE to figure this out and that I don't have forever to decide. Registration for Spring 2011 is in October. I need to figure this out. I need to figure out if I need to transfer....again. I need to figure out if I need to change my major...again. I'm just not sure I'm ready to make these kinds of plans. I know I shouldn't make big plans right now. But, I just don't have time to sit and wait. (I mean, it's not my personality. I'm. A. Planner.)

All this to say...if you have any ideas on a major. Or other life plans. Let me know. :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Miscellany Monday

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

I'm taking part in miscellany monday this week over at lowercase letters.

I recently decided that I wanted to take part in the 101 in 1001 experiment/project thing. I read about it on one of the blogs I read and I really liked the idea. I mean, it sounds really fun. You can view all the fun details by clicking on the link on the left sidebar. And...if you want to join me, I think it would be really fun to read everyone's lists, so comment and share the link! 

The Passion Conference (a Christian conference for college aged peoples!) is doing a LiveLink on September 27 at 8:30pm eastern time. I watched it earlier this year with my Mom and it was fun and exciting. I'm hoping (and have my ticket) to go to the conference in January in ATL. You can go here for more information. Oh- and it's FREE. So, get a group together to watch it! Yay! 

That website I spoke about earlier? Is about ready to go! I'm terribly sorry (okay, not really) about all of the address changes I've put everyone through these past few months. But, I think I have it the way I want it now.  My blog will stay hosted on blogspot (unless some crazy event happens...). So, if you want to get updates, click on "Follow" up by the blogger search bar thing. It's super easy! My domain ( will be used for my website. It's not totally how I want it and all the pages aren't live yet, but it's a work in progress (and will be for a bit!). So, stay tuned for more on that one! 

And....I think that's all for now. 

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Can be good. Can be bad. Who really knows?

I'm home. After a series of events, I have left Chicago and returned to Alabama. 
The southside of Chicago was a little more intense than I expected. 
And so, I am home.
 (No, against popular belief, I wasn't a witness to a violent crime and I didn't get shot at.It wasn't that bad).
 I learned a lot about myself and about others. And I think all in all it was a good thing.

I'm taking a break from some blogging for awhile though.
In the meantime,
I plan on working on the design of the website I've been planning out.
So, if things change suddenly one day, you'll know.
And I switched back to blogger. I like it better than Wordpress. 
Just my opinion.

Keep looking.
You never know what you may find. :)