Wednesday, October 20, 2010

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 10

Day 10: Something I'm Afraid Of

I could tell you about my fear of fireworks. (Really, they aren't fun for me). But, as someone that has anxiety on a frequent basis (i.e. what I'm going to major in, where to go to college, am i ever going to get married, etc.), I thought I'd address the topic that encompasses all my fears.


Really, when you put all the things I'm afraid of in a list (with the exception of fireworks maybe) it can all be summed up in that one little word. Failure. Simply put, I'm afraid that I'm going to fail.

And yet...I know that God has a plan for my life. I know that I shouldn't be afraid of failure. I know that everything will work out if I just trust Him with my life. A book that I'm reading says, "We find the real beauty in using our freedom to serve God with abandon." I want to live a life of abandon. I want to live a life where I can acknowledge my fear of failure and move forward with my life. I am here on Earth to serve God with a reckless abandon, not to fear everything he might send my way. Not to fear everything that might happen.

And...end of seriousness. Hopefully tomorrow will be something a little lighter! Go over to Katie's Journey to find out more! :)


  1. I remember when you were just a little toddler. You spent most of your time in the L channel created by a sofa and love seat on one side and a coffee table on the other. You would walk like nobody's business in that channel, but whenever you left the safety of the couch-table channel, you'd get down and crawl. I think even then, you didn't want to fail, because I don't think I ever saw you fall trying to walk outside the channel... because you didn't try it until you had perfected walking. I love you and I cherish all those memories.

  2. I love this! I'm trying to learn to live the same way - with reckless abandon; fearlessly. Let's walk the journey together, in faith and with encouragement. Jesus will teach us how to live in Him, in that perfect love that casts out fear.

  3. You and me both. Just think of failure makes me cringe.
