Sunday, December 26, 2010

christmas happenings.

I thought I would share what went down in the Adam household this Christmas weekend.
It was pretty fun, you should know.

Christmas Eve, the family and I went to the Christmas Eve service and then over to Mrs. Barbara's house for a small get-together. It's something we do every year we're in town. It's tradition. Just like how we always watch part of Charlie Brown Christmas during the Christmas Eve service at church while we hold candles and sing "Angels We Have Heard On High". It's what we do.

When we returned home on Christmas Eve night, I tried to start a new tradition. Since I've heard the Christmas Story a thousand times and have pretty much memorized it (in the KJV version people. I'm that good), I started telling it to the boys. Who looked at me like I was kind of strange. Until I came to the part about Mary giving birth, and then Desmond decided he wanted to act it out. Because he's a little strange like that.
Then, we opened our Christmas jammies present. Every year, we get to open up two presents on Christmas Eve. One is our pajamas so that Mom can control everyone wearing proper clothing for Christmas morning pictures. Then, we get to pick one present to open.
In our jammie jams. Aren't we cute?
Then, we all went nighty-night and waited for Santa Claus to come. (Which- side note: I saw Santa when I was six. I'm not even kidding. I was on the stairs and saw him. Then, I ran back to my room and hid in my bed because I was scared he saw me and would take away my presents. My parents say this was simply not possible and I was dreaming, but I beg to differ).

At the bright and early hour of seven o'clock, the festivities began. Technically, the boys opened stockings at around 6:30, but the present unwrapping did not commence until seven. 

Then, as I got to my last present, I got a surprise. You see, I've reached the age where I don't get many surprises. I mean, I picked out my Kindle and case. But this? Was a surprise. :)


Blurry. But it describes how I felt.
Now, I can have one for my dorm room when I move out. Which is really good because I'm on a fairly large sewing kick right now. It's light weight and could easily be stored in my closet until I need it. And...I'm really happy.

We also got another Christmas present. Mom took pictures...but since the SD card wasn't in the camera, you're just going to have to take my word on it. We got a semi-White Christmas in Alabama. It's the closest I'll ever get to a real one. It SNOWED. In ALABAMA. On CHRISTMAS. It didn't stick, but it sure was pretty! :)

And that was Christmas. Yay. 

Happy Birthday Jesus!


  1. We always get Christmas PJ's too. :) Congrats on your sewing machine!! You need to open an etsy shop so I can buy some of your pretty designs!

  2. I have always wanted a new sewing machine! I'm jealous! :)

  3. yay for surprises. and yay for white christmases! they're no great phenomenon in michigan, but i can safely say it definitely doesn't feel like christmas to me unless there's a blanket of white on the ground. i'm glad you were able to experience a taste of it! :]
