Thursday, April 12, 2012

Books on the Shelf

I make no secret of my dream to have a library in my future home. Whether its as large and full as the one in Beauty and the Beast or just shelves in a room, I dream if the hours that will be spent in that room. I know that several of you love to read (just like me), so I thought I might do a post on the "books on my shelf". These aren't books I necessarily own yet, but books that are on my "to read" list for the upcoming months. (Book descriptions from Amazon- not my writing)

1. Anything:Safe. Comfortable. Happy. Words we all love. Feelings we want. Even crave. We may love God, but being that he's invisible, words like comfortable seem to feel better faster. We are all chasing something. Our hearts were made to run hard and fast after things that move us. But as a generation, we are all beginning to stir and wake up, identifying that these words don't satisfy for long, especially when compared to God. If God is real, and we are going to live with Him forever, shouldn't He be everything? Caught in this familiar haze of worldly happiness and empty pursuits, Jennie Allen and her husband Zac, prayed a courageous prayer of abandonment that took them on the adventure God had written for them. "God, we will do anything. Anything." Anything is a prayer of surrender that will spark something. A prayer that will move us to stop chasing things that just make us feel happy and start living a life that matters. A life that is... Surrendered. Reckless. Courageous. If we truly know a God worth giving anything for, everything changes.

2. Bloom: With lyrical prose and gorgeous full-color photography, Bloom takes readers on a wondrous journey through Nella's first year of life—a gripping, hilarious, and intensely poignant trip of transformation in which a mother learns that perfection comes in all different shapes. It is a story about embracing life and really living it, of being fearless and accepting difference, of going beyond constricting definitions of beauty, and of the awesome power of perspective. As Kelle writes, "There is us. Our Family. We will embrace this beauty and make something of it. We will hold our precious gift and know that we are lucky."

3. Organized Simplicity:
Organized Simplicity's aim is to convince its readers that simple living is the absolute best way to live. Be it with house cleaning, family schedule management, personal finances, and managing the "stuff" you allow within your four walls, the only way to live well is to do so intentionally and simply. The first half of the book delves into the "why" behind realistic simple living, giving the reader a nail to then hang the how of living simply discussed in the second half. And by redefining the too often-used phrase "simple living," a busy home manager living in the real world can then make practical changes that work for the whole family. There are chapters for cleaning and organizing the home room-by-room, and future project ideas will inspire readers to turn their house in a haven they love.

4. Quitter: Have you ever felt caught between the tension of a day job and a dream job? That gap between what you have to do and what you'd love to do? I have. At first I thought I was the only one who felt that way, but then I started to talk to people and realized we're becoming the I'm, but generation. When we talk about what we do for a living we inevitably say, I'm a teacher, but I want to be an artist. I'm a CPA, but I'd love to start my own business. I'm a _____, but I want to be a ______. All too often, we hear that dreaming big means you quit your day job, sell everything you own, and move to Guam. But what if there were a different way? What if you could blow up your dream without blowing up your life? What if you could go for broke without going broke? What if you could start today? What if you already have everything you need to begin? From figuring out what your dream is to quitting in a way that exponentially increases your chance of success, Quitter is full of inspiring stories and actionable advice. This book is based on 12 years of cubicle living and my true story of cultivating a dream job that changed my life and the world in the process. It's time to close the gap between your day job and your dream job. It's time to be a Quitter.

So, what books are on your "shelf"? What are you itching to dig into this summer?

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