Thursday, October 10, 2013


Ladies (and Dad), we were created for community.
We were created for community. Let that sink in for a moment.

A lot of the time, I think of myself as an island. I think "Oh, I can do this myself" or I think "I don't need help/want help/Nobody really will want to help". But, in reality- this isn't true. We need each other.  Why would we be given the body of Christ- the church- if we didn't NEED this community? If we could all do this on our own- why would we need the church? Why would the church exist? Why would Jesus have recruited disciples?

I'm reading a wonderful book called Do You Think I'm Beautiful by Angela Thomas. In her book, she writes,
I can assure you that the journey should be shared. Moses' arms were held up in his weakness. Paul's letters reflect a strength that came from knowing other believers shared his journey. You and I have been given to the body of Christ so that they may be the arms of God to hold us, the feet of God to guide us, and the heart of God to love us.
I don't know about you, but this speaks volumes to me. The body of Christ was created to be God to us. I think so often we put ourselves in that spotlight role- of being Christ to the world. But, we have to also remember that God gave US the body of Christ, too! There are people out there that want to help you, that want to guide you, that are called to love you. When we are weak, HE IS STRONG. He strengthens us through other believers- by being a part of community.

This past week, I've really begun to see how much being a part of a community can strengthen my faith. I've started going to a new church (that I really like!!) that seems to fit my current needs better than the church I grew up in. "My church"- as I like to call it- will always hold a special place in my heart. But, I've really become convicted that I need to find a church home of my own- a place that I can blossom and grow into a spiritually mature woman of God.  A place where I can find community with people of my own age and life circumstance. This is a really hard, really awkward process. Like really hard. But since going to church on Sunday, I've joined two small groups. Two very different groups that both provide me with community- a community that I've been longing for. I've been praying for a group of women that would mentor me and guide me- since forever ago. And guys, I've found it. I've found the place of community where the body of Christ can fully display all it's glory and splendor. I've found other believers to "share the journey" with- and I'm so thankful for it.

For so long, I've thought I could do this God thing on my own. But I'm realizing that I was created for so much more than the island life. I was created for community- and you are too.

1 comment:

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    God bless!
