Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sunday Sparkle- Week 8

Just a few pictures from last week.

My allergies have come back with a vengeance. Tylenol PM has been a lifesaver the last few nights in regards to getting some sleep.

I think this was dinner Tuesday night. But, it may have been lunch. I feel like I have bagels in some way, shape, or form as part of every meal (sandwich, pizza, dessert).

I started my One Dress Project! I forgot to take a picture yesterday, but I'm pretty sure my days are running together. I need an easy way to add some color (with things I already have, per my "no purchasing clothes during Lent" thing). Any ideas?

Yummy cupcake. Daddy and I went by a cupcake place near campus after having lunch on Wednesday. I got a chocolate salted Carmel cupcake and it was deLISH.

I'm really enjoying this little Sparkle project. It is quite fun, and I'm still taking pictures! I like the low pressure (only one picture a week necessary!) and I like the fact that I'm documenting the little details that get lost and forgotten most of the time. Yessir. We're gonna make it.

Tomorrow night, my Daddy and I are planning on going to Atlanta for the 72 Days of Freedom gathering they are having at Passion City Church. Gary Haugen (the head of IJM) is speaking and I am super pumped! Working at IJM would be a dream job, so hearing from the guy that runs it would be amazing! I'm excited and hope it works out. We're leaving tomorrow afternoon and then driving back after the service. I don't have class until 11 on Tuesday and we lose an hour going/ gain an hour on the way back, so things should work out that its not too late. I'm going to miss the Bachelor, but I can watch that online. Nobody tweet about it or spoil it? Haha. Yay!

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