Saturday, November 28, 2009

thanksgiving weekend.

Thanksgiving this year wasn't super exciting.
I was sick for the second year in a row and didn't really eat anything for thanksgiving.

But, the night before Thanksgiving, I started making these really cute cupcakes from FamilyFun. I think they turned out really cute. But, I don't think I'll be making them again anytime soon. Because the feathers were a pain to cut out of the fruit roll ups. I cut like over 50 of them out. And my hands turned blue from all the dyes. And I still get sick at the thought of Fruit Roll ups after looking at them all. And because, since I came down with the mysterious virus later that night nobody would eat those things I slaved over for hours. But, I think they were still cute.


The day after Thanksgiving, Mom and I got up for all the fun Black Friday sales. We went to three WalMarts (I know, we're crazy!), Michael's, BestBuy, Academy, you get the idea. I was pretty tired at the end of all that, but we met Daddy and Max for a quick lunch in town before heading home to watch the Iron Bowl! (also knows as the Auburn-Alabama game for anyone that's not from around here). It's a pretty intense rivalry and a lot of my friends are Alabama fans. Okay, pretty much all of them that don't go to Auburn are. So, it's a pretty big deal. And after last year's game where we lost 36-0, I knew that I just wanted us to do something. Well. We did do something. We were winning for all but 2 minutes of the game. Even though we lost, I still think the Tigers played their best. After all, we're an unranked team playing the number 2 team in the nation. I think a 21-26 loss isn't that bad!As you can see, Max and I got all decked out in our Auburn gear. I had on my t-shirt, and since Max couldn't find his jersey, he decided to paint himself up with markers. Training him up early, I am!


Then today, we put up the Christmas tree! I love Christmas, it's like my favorite holiday! So, we put on some Christmas music and put on the ornaments together (well, the kids did) and Mom put on the ting-ting and we had fun! I just can't wait until we go drive around and look at the Christmas lights in our pajamas. That's one of my favorite parts!


Now, the end of Thanksgiving Break is near. I'm kind of sad. I liked not having to drive into town and go to class every day! But, good news is the end of term is near. A week from Tuesday is the last day of class (December 8th). The bad news is that time span I have some last minute tests and quizzes and term papers due. And then...finals. But then, it'll be Christmas Break and I'll be out for a month! And I really like my schedule next term. So, happy days are to come! I'm off to work on that aforementioned term paper and listen to Christmas Music! :)

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