Thursday, June 11, 2009

It happened one day on the way home from VBS

Desmond: Oh my gosh, Mom. Look. It's a real life turtle. Like a real one. Can I take it inside and make it my pet like Sissy has Gus-gus? He could sleep in my bed...please...please...please *sad puppy face.
Lauren: Mom, hurry up and take the picture before we get run over by a car. And ew, gross...I don't want to get closer to the turtle.
Max: Can I bring it in and do a science experiment on it? I wonder if I held a magnifying glass if the turtle would catch on

If you can't tell, we found a baby turtle crossing the street in front of the house on our way back home from Vacation Bible School this morning. We also found a dead snake by the mailbox. I don't know what kind it was though. Mommy took a picture of it. I stayed away from it. I don't like snakes. Or turtles too much for that matter. Even though the bible buddy tommorrow is a turtle.

Oh, Mom. Why do we have to live in a swamp?? :)

What's gonna work? Teamwork!

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