Friday, December 23, 2011

Unwrapped- Christmas Series Part 4

Today, we're going to fastforward a few years to 1995. The three year old is now a five year old and that means more presents and more expectations. Happy Christmas Eve Eve! :)

Things to Note:

  • I really could read. Promise cross my heart. I was super genius. But, have you ever tried to read presents with names written in cursive on them? I thought so. You understand my predicament then.
  • My nightgown was handmade by my Mom. She had loads more time to do crafty things before the boys came along. Which means I better sew all I can when I have first future child because I won't have time when the others come along.
  • My nightgown's pattern was not upside down like my cat dress a few days ago. I'm pretty sure someone didn't want all my clothes to have upside down pictures. That would just be awkward.

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