Friday, October 7, 2011

Change: Blood:Water Mission

The motto of Blood :Water is empowering communities to work together against the the HIV/AIDS and Water crisis in Africa.

Blood :Water seeks to empower communities to fight the HIV/AIDS problem and the water crisis by empowering communities to fight these problems themselves. Their website states, 
We seek to transform communities from the inside out, enabling them to be the agents of change within their own context. While safe water access, hygiene, and sanitation are core objectives within our water programs, the process of enabling these skills and technologies in a community ultimately leads them on a journey of self-discovery, giving communities a platform for understanding their own capabilities, assets, and most importantly self-worth. It's not until communities are able to understand and embrace their potential, that they are fully able to utilize and sustain the projects they have worked so hard to achieve.
Empowering communities to enact change on their own is the best way that we have to eradicate poverty. It is the only way that our efforts can have a lasting impact.  It doesn't matter how many people we send over, what matters is changing the hearts and lives of the people that live there.

2 Weeks of Sacrifice: Why don't you give up what you would normally drink (ie. Diet Coke and Capri Suns) and drink only tap water. Save the money that you would normally spend on these beverages and donate the money to Blood: Water and help bring clean water to Africa!

Blood:Water Mission Process Video (How We Work) from Blood:Water Mission on Vimeo.

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